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Reading on Chrome – July 2012

There was a post on the Kobo blog earlier this week about the Kobo Instant Reader, their browser based reading app. The post was nothing new, just a reminder that KIN worked on Chrome and that you could find it in the Chrome App Store.

But their post did remind me that it has been quite some time since I last wrote a roundup post on reading apps for Chrome. I last looked at Chrome reading apps in December 2011 and Chrome now has a hell of a lot more reading options now.

First and foremost, you now have 4 major ebookstores with a browser based reading app, and they all work on Chrome. I don’t like the browser reading apps because the Kobo, Kindle, et al apps for Windows are better, but it is great to know that you have the option.

  • Kindle
  • Kobo
  • Nook
  • Google Play Books

But that’s not all you can do. There’s a bunch of PDF tools for Chrome, including ones which will let you read, edit, create, and merge PDFs.

There are the RSS feed readers,  a couple Google News readers, and there are apps for Instapaper, Readability, and Pocket. As for comics, I can see apps for AveComics , Marvel, and Graphicly.

The reading community Wattpad has a Chrome app, and so does its less well known competition BookieJar. And of course there are apps that can play audiobooks.

That’s not a very broad selection when compared to Windows, OSX, or Android, but it’s a lot better than it was only 8 months ago.

Chrome App Store


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