Yotaphone 3 Going up for Pre-Order This Summer (?)
Here’s an interesting follow-up to yesterday’s story about Android 6.0 Marshmallow on the Yotaphone.
A reader has tipped me to the fact that the Russian-language Yotaphone website is now teasing the launch of a new device on its home page. There is furious speculation on many tech blogs but all we know right now is that pre-orders will start this summer:
This notice is being interpreted by some to mean that the Yotaphone 3 is coming this summer, and they might be right.
When we last heard rumblings of a new Yotaphone in the form of an Instagram post several weeks ago, I discounted the report because the source was unverified and the evidence was thin.
Later news reports which said that the Yota Devices’s parent company had killed the Yotaphone 3 by declining to invest capital in the project cast further doubt on the story, but now that we have the pre-order teaser we have to wonder whether independent financing has been found.
There’s still not enough evidence that the Yotaphone 3 is coming, but the possibility can no longer be discounted.
But I am still not convinced.
The last Yotaphone was released just over two years ago, and it was so successful that less than a year later parent company Yota Devices sold itself to a Hong Kong investment company for $100 million. Yota Devices moved its operations to China, and the remaining Yotaphone 2 stock was sold off at clearance prices.
And now Yota Devices’s Russian staff plans to release a new phone – without the support of Yota Devices’s primary stockholder?
It’s not impossible, but it sure is implausible.
Thanks, Vikarti, for the tip!
Vikarti Anatra June 16, 2017 um 9:53 pm
Yotaphone 3 is shown on Russian China expo – http://tass.ru/ekonomika/4342102 (in russian). very little details
Nate Hoffelder June 17, 2017 um 6:21 am
Yes, it looks like my sources were wrong.