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How to read The Daily (if you don’t have an iPad)

I’m sure you know that the daily was launched yesterday, and that it’s an iPad only daily newspaper. I just got word over Twitter of a new blog where someone is collecting links to all of the parts of the The Daily that can be found on the Web.

It’s called The Daily: Indexed. I don’t know how long the blog will be live, though, so you might want to check it out now.

I’m thrilled to see this index, but I’m also puzzled. I didn’t expect that there would be this much of the The Daily posted on its website. There’s enough content on display to fill out the daily postings of a large news blog.

There’s also enough on display that the The Daily could also have been released as a HTML5 based web app. You could have subscribed to the The Daily and read it on your computer. Why did they throw away that money?

I don’t know whether this was a deliberate decision or if it was an oversight. But I’m not sure the management really know what they’re doing. It feels like the The Daily was launched not to start a digital newspaper but because tablets are cool (hype, not substance). That’s not a good sign.

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