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Adobe Reader Launches on Windows Phone 8

adobe-logoI have some good news for the 4 or 5 dozen people in the world with a Windows smartphone.

Adobe has just announced a new  Adobe Reader app for Windows Phone 8. It’s based on Adobe Reader 10.1, so it’s a couple generations behind the latest desktop apps, but it is still better than a kick in the head.

The app supports password protected PDFs, but it’s not clear if the app also supports all the other PDF DRM offered by Adobe. I do know that the app also supports bookmarks, zooming, scrolling, copy and paste, and text search.

This app also has an optional slider bar navigation option which works much the same as the one found in the Nook and Kindle apps.

Adobe had previously released an Adobe Reader app for WP7. Curiously enough that app is based on a newer version of Adobe Reader. You can get the WP8 app here.

Today’s launch follows only hours after the release of new estimates for the smartphone market. Some analysts are projecting that Windows Phone accounted for 5.6% of the smartphones sold in the US in Q1 2013. That’s a decent increase on the same period last year (3.8%), but it doesn’t tell us anything about the world market.


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L’application Adobe Reader sur Windows Phone 8 June 4, 2013 um 5:05 am

[…] Les mobiles WP8 représenterait entre 5% et 6% des ventes de téléphones mobiles intelligents au premier trimestre 2013 aux États-Unis. (source) […]

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