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Apple Names "Connecting to the iTunes Store" as the Best Book of 2020 (so Far)

As you saw earlier this week, I like to report on Best Books, lists, so when  I saw that the Apple Books twitter account had tweeted a link to their list of the best books of 2020, I knew I wanted to see it.

Alas, that will not be possible. If you try to visit the list at (, all you will see is:

The reason you see this is because Apple still cannot program a web page.

It’s 2020, and Apple is a trillion dollar company with the best tech that money can buy, and they still cannot be bothered to program something as simple as a web page. Instead, they expect you to have iTunes installed on your device so that the link will open there.

Basically what Apple is doing is creating pages that only work in one specific app (iTunes), and then sharing links to those pages on the internet.

This was not a bad idea when Apple started doing it shortly after launching iTunes 19-plus years ago – web browsers were frankly terrible, and iTunes was actually better.

And it was quirky when the iPad launched in 2010 (kinda like the iPad not having a file system), but in 2020 it’s just ridiculous.

Over half of web traffic comes from mobile devices, and the majority of those run Android. Between that and the many Windows devices that don’t have iTunes (my iPad doesn’t need it, so why would I have it?), Apple is sharing a link that fewer than a third of web users can open.

Oh, sometimes (if you’re lucky) the link will work and you will be able to at least see the content, but you still cannot buy it.

And the thing about that, folks, is that it’s not just bad tech – it’s also bad business.

Amazon has always been eager to sell you content in your web browser, and even Google figured out 8 years ago that they needed to sell content on the web (it’s why Google killed Android Market, and replaced it with Google Play). That’s why if someone share a link to the Kindle Store or Google Play Books, I can buy that ebook from just about any device.

Apple, on the other hand, still refuses to sell content in the web browser, and they still only grudgingly let you see the content that they refuse to sell you.

And that is costing them sales.


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actualitté.com | #EpicFail : chez Apple, les meilleures ventes de livre passent par iTunes | La revue de web des livres June 27, 2020 um 9:05 am

[…] de la firme à la Pomme, qui annonce une liste des meilleures ventes alléchantes, voici ce que le Digital Reader découvre. En cliquant sur le lien proposé via Twitter, le navigateur propose de se connecter à […]

Allen F June 27, 2020 um 10:58 am

And their fanboys/girls will eat it up as being the coolest dumb idea ever. The rest of us will just shake our heads and mutter 'idiots …'

I forget which apple-only writing tool a friend insisted I just 'had' to get and use. And he proved himself more fanboy than friend when he kept insisting that it was a great idea to buy an apple system just to run that one program …

Hmm, you know what? On second thought this is a great idea! Apple ads should only be viewable on apple systems/apps as only apple fanboys/girls need to see them. And Google ads should only be viewable on chrome! Then we could just find/use a browser not tied to any ad company and have an ad-free internet browse! 😉

Xavier Basora June 28, 2020 um 6:44 am

And ironically enough Apple’s getting rid of iTunes to replace with some very beautiful overengineered software that’s very limiting.

In the end I just don’t care I don’t use apple products

Nate Hoffelder June 28, 2020 um 9:36 am

I actually thought that had already happened.

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