Apple’s Nefarious plan to dump the reading apps has been revealed!
Update: They’ve resubmitted the app and it was approved on Monday. Just so you know, I meant this post as a joke.
Read it Later just tried to submit their new iPhone app to Apple on Friday. (I bet you can guess what the app does from the company’s name.) Today they were told that it was rejected. They were given a rather odd explanation:
We’ve reviewed your apps, but cannot post these versions to the App Store because they require customers to register with personal information without providing account-based features. We have included additional details below to help explain the issue, and hope you’ll consider revising and resubmitting your application.
Applications cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app features and content; such user registration must be optional and tied to account-based functionality.
The mind boggles. They didn’t add anything new, so I have to wonder if the reviewer was on drugs. The other alternative is that Apple has a new rule that "applications cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app features and content". There goes almost all the reading apps . You can’t use Kindle, Kobo, B&N, or a lot of others without an account.
Perhaps this is a nefarious plan on the part of Apple. Naw. They’re not that competent.
Perry August 22, 2010 um 8:26 pm
Let’s hope we’ll all chuckle about this when Apple clarifies what they mean.
I wonder if people who make mistakes ever long for the days when a limited number of people knew about it.
Rob August 24, 2010 um 7:15 am
You can read now in their blog that ReadItLater 2.2 has been already approved.
It would be nice another blog entry trying to remove the FUD created with this one 🙂