Did Audible Launch a New Gifting Option?
The Bookseller is reporting this morning that Audible, Amazon’s audiobook distributor and retailer, has launched a new gifting option:
Audible has launched a gifting service for the first time, allowing customers to purchase content and membership deals as gifts for others.
The Amazon-owned audiobook service said the service has been begun to capitalise on Christmas demand for gifting options.
Customers will have the option of using the buying a specific title, and sending a code to the recipient to allow them to download it, or buying a gift membership of three, six of 12 month’s subscription to the Audible.
This is good news, but is it actually new news?
I have checked the relevant FAQ pages in the Help section and it appears that Audible UK has offered these gifting since at least 2011. I can also confirm, based on when Audible.com’s FAQ was updated, that the site has had the gifting options mentioned above since at least February of this year.
Sorry that I cannot be more specific, but I don’t use Audible and I’m not familiar with all of the parts of the service.
At this point it looks like The Bookseller got it wrong, but if there is a story I would like to report on it. Does anyone know if Audible launched a new gifting option, or is this a non-story?
Brian November 26, 2013 um 11:49 am
Perhaps they changed something about it to make it news I don’t know, but gifting is definitely not new. I got an audiobook from Audible as a gift from a friend 4/28/2008 and sent a couple back then too.
rob November 26, 2013 um 2:05 pm
Audible.com has had a gift center for years. audible.co.uk just got a gift centernow. It is news for the UK site.
Bara Minata November 26, 2013 um 8:47 pm
It’s been there forever. But today they put it in the promo section so maybe that’s why The Bookseller reported it as "new."