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Anna Köhler
Senior Editor

Anna Köhler

Studied at the University of Potsdam (B.A.). Editorial experience at Radio WMW and the Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten, among others.

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95 Cool Quotes For Any Occasion + 6 Tips

We all would like to have cool quotes on the tips of our tongues, that we could use to be quick-witted and confident in every situation. With us, you will find many cool sayings on a variety of topics that will impress people in any situation.

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107+15 Cute Quotes and Short Sayings for any Occasion

Cute quotes can convey appreciation, gratitude and love. Put a smile on the face of your partner, your friends or your family with a short, cute message. We have collected over a hundred sayings and categorized them so you can quickly find what you are looking for.

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78+10 Latin Phrases for every Occasion (+ Translation)

Latin phrases are not only suitable for WhatsApp, greeting, and congratulatory cards. Use them also for scientific work and to improve your general language skills. We tell you all the advantages and have more than 80 great Latin phrases and quotes with pictures for you.
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Happy birthday sister: 55 wishes + 5 top tips

If you want to make your sister smile on her birthday, here we have some birthday wishes that will do just that. With our phrases and tips, you can make your birthday card really stand out and show that you cherish your sibling bond.

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Forest bathing: 6 tips for new strength from nature

Long walks in nature are healing and have a positive effect on your well-being. This has been scientifically proven. Intuitively, people are also drawn to nature for various ailments. Forest bathing plays with this phenomenon. We’ll tell you what forest bathing is and exactly how it works.

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Melancholy: 6 benefits & 5 tips for real melancholia

Melancholy is a mood characterized by melancholy, sadness and thoughtfulness. However, this often negative mood does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. We’ll explain what melancholy is, what its benefits are, and what you can do when you’re truly melancholy.

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