B&N Leaks the Name of the Next Nook – the GlowLight Plus
Barnes & Noble’s next ereader, the Nook GlowLight Plus, will be arriving shortly.
A reader has tipped me to news that B&N has leaked the name of GlowLight Plus on its own website. If you head over there right now and select the Nook dropdown menu, you will see a reference to a new Nook model:
"Nook Glowlight Plus" is very likely a reference to the B&N device that went through the FCC last month.
That device was tested for Wifi and had an estimated 6″ screen, but unfortunately I am unable to confirm that the Glowlight Plus is the same device.
Clicking the Glowlight Plus link takes you to the product page for existing Nook Glowlight model, which launched in late 2013. The link will lead to the new device’s product page once it officially launches, but at this time we don’t know when that will be.
Suzatm September 24, 2015 um 4:37 pm
I am so excited. I have been waiting to hear this!
Frank September 24, 2015 um 4:49 pm
It is good B&N is still trying to compete in the ereader market.
Syn September 24, 2015 um 5:30 pm
Good for them. Unfortunately I just don’t trust my books with them. They don’t know if they are coming or going. Not customer focused in the least and keep making blunders (400 dollar tablet) thats sure to lose them money and keep them in the red.
carmen webster buxton September 24, 2015 um 5:47 pm
So, it is an e-ink device, then? Or not?
Nate Hoffelder September 24, 2015 um 6:02 pm
Very likely an E-ink device, yes.
Nook GlowLight Plus e-reader on the way? B&N briefly teases us | TeleRead September 25, 2015 um 5:51 am
[…] A MobileReader and Nate shared a screenshot, but when I followed up, it was gone. I also saw a reference in a B&N media kit via Google’s […]
Paul September 25, 2015 um 9:19 am
I wonder how they are coming along in getting their web site to work with Safari? I’ve started buying more books at Amazon because their web site doesn’t work.
Mike September 25, 2015 um 4:57 pm
The name sounds like a nightlight you’d buy at the Dollar Store.
Nate Hoffelder September 25, 2015 um 10:21 pm
My first thought was a light up sex toy, but your suggestion is also good.
Nook GlowLight Plus | eReader Barnes & Noble | caratteristiche tecniche | rumor September 27, 2015 um 7:40 pm
[…] ora nel sito ufficiale della compagnia. Cerchiamo di fare il punto dell situazione, anche se le indiscrezioni che possiamo darvi sono tutt'altro che […]