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B&N Pubit! Pro is up and running

A few weeks ago I posted about a trademark filed by Barnes & Noble, PubIt! Pro.At the time I didn’t know anything about the new service, so I speculated about how it could  be a paid service where B&N might offer marketing, editorial, and other services.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.


I took a few minutes at the Nook launch event today and spoke to Theresa Horner, who was introduced as the head of Digital Publishing (perhaps I heard wrong). She told me that Pubit! Pro had been up and running for some time now.

It’s not a service that B&N charge for. Instead, Pubit! Pro is B&N program to highlight successful Pubit! authors so they can share their best techniques and give advice. Right now it consists of a FaceBook page (at least, that’s all I’ve found so far).

Theresa was a little surprised that I didn’t know about this, and I’m a little embarrassed that I hadn’t found it yet. But in my defense, they never announced it.

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