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B&N Pulls the 7″ Nook Tablet From Its Site – Retired?

Barnes & Noble’s hardware section is going to be a little smaller when its stores reopen to the public. Someone on MobileRead noticed, and I can confirm, that B&N has removed its 7″ Nook-branded budget tablet from its site.

It’s not just gone from the menus; I chckded, and even the product page is gone. This is an ex-tablet.


B&N launched this particular tablet in December 2018, so it was getting a little long in the tooth, but that segment of the market hadn’t changed much in the past several years. There was little reason to replace the tablet, and B&N could have kept it another couple years.

The tablet had been developed by a Chinese company before being licensed to B&N, and I had expected that if it were retired B&N would license another tablet to replace it.

But they have not. Instead B&N chucked the tablet out the window.

YOur guess is as good as mine what it means for B&N;s hardware plans.

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Xavier Basora April 8, 2020 um 8:35 pm


Very simple. The publishers have doubled down on lumber distribution and ordered Barnes and Noble to abandon Nook in favour of paper.

Somehow Timothy Zahn"s bombshell announcement to go indie escaped traditional publishing.


Allen F April 9, 2020 um 2:32 am

B&N’s new owner hates ebooks. Of course he hates his worker bees as well as he tried to have his bookstores declared essential in the UK. He might have turned the UK bookstores around, but he never understood the US market – and this killer-cold-bug’s going to finish him off (if it doesn’t kill him and the rest of us first.)

Pbooks are dead – long live ebooks! 😉

Cooper April 25, 2020 um 7:47 am

I purchased a 7″ nook on April 12 or 13.

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