B&N Recalls Defective Charger for $50 Nook Android Tablet
So Barnes & Noble has finally informed its customers that it sold them a defective charger – a mere three weeks after pulling the remaining stock from stores.
The retailer sent an email to owners, and also put out a press release with the Consumer Product Safety Commission. B&N is offering a replacement charger and a $5 credit in exchange for any existing charger which is mailed in, or traded in in-store.
According to the press release, free shipping is included:
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled power adapters and register online for a free replacement adapter along with a Barnes & Noble $5 gift card. Once registered, consumers will be able to print a pre-paid UPS label to return the recalled adapters to Barnes & Noble. Consumers will receive replacement adapters in the mail. Until a replacement adapter is received, consumers are advised to charge their NOOK Tablet 7″ through their computer using a USB cable.
You can register for the recall on the B&N website.
The email to owners says basically the same thing as the press release, and can be found over at eBook Evangelist.
DaveMich February 2, 2017 um 10:47 am
Some of these chinese tablets are designed with both a main pin and barrrel charger and a backup micro-usb port which trickle-charges. If it’s a pin and barrel charger then you should run the other way – those things are essentially made to break.
What I don’t get is why, if just the charger is a problem, they are no longer selling those tablets. Probably they just invoked some clause and sent them all back to China, but… now what, B&N?
Top 5 Publishing News Stories 1/30-2/3 – Publishing Trendsetter February 3, 2017 um 1:01 pm
[…] Barnes & Noble issued a recall for the charger for their most recent Nook tablet. […]
Paul Biba’s eBook, eLibrary, eMuseum and ePublishing news compilation for week ending Saturday, February 4 | The Digital Reader June 19, 2017 um 2:54 pm
[…] B&N Recalls Defective Charger for $50 Nook Android Tablet (The Digital Reader) […]