Check out my new trophy
You might recall from last month that I wrote a post about Freescale and their list of "Smart Mobile Device Pundits". This is a list of the most popular gadget bloggers, journalists, and analysts, and it includes David Pogue, Brad Linder, Darren Murph, and many others.
I’m on the list, and yesterday I got a little trinket to commemorate it. Freescale sent us each a small glass cube paperweight with a logo engraved on one side. I’m having trouble taking a picture of it, so if you want more info please check out the product page.
It’s not much, but I think it’s neat. Thank you, everyone, for voting for me. I appreciate your support.
Mike Cane February 18, 2011 um 7:26 am
Brad Linder February 18, 2011 um 8:33 am
Oh, it’s a paper weight! I was wondering what I was supposed to do with this thing. 🙂