Check out the interactive HitchHiker’s Guide from 1995
Engadget noticed today that Hothead Games will release a new HH Guide as an iPad app (it’s due in September). This would be very cool if not for the fact that the announcement was actually made on the last Towel Day (May 25). Considering that you could already get the book almost anywhere (including as ebooks), this wasn’t all that interesting of an announcement. So instead of just posting the same old story, I did some digging and I discovered that this iPad app isn’t actually the first online HH Guide.
It turns out that Megadodo Publications, a company that apparently owns (or licenses) the digital rights, have released at least one interactive version of the HH Guide before the iPad app. I found an earlier on the Megadodo Publications website, and get this:
It was released in 1995, and does not appear to have been updated since 1997.
Yes, you can go play with a 14 year dead version of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Unfortunately, you’re going to need to download NetScape Navigator v3.0 if you want to see the site in its full glory. (It won’t work on the iPad at all.)This new, innovative, and cutting-edge website even has Sound! and Pictures that Move!
jorgen August 11, 2011 um 2:50 pm
I had that as a text-only game on my Apple II in the early 80ies!
Nate Hoffelder August 12, 2011 um 8:41 am
Yes, but can you still find that text-only version online on the original website? half the fun of the 1995 version is that it’s still online.