Do you use Google Reader?
One of the blogs I follow has raised an interesting question and I wanted to repeat it here.
The blog belongs to John Miedema, the author of Slow Reading, a book on the learning technique. He’s in the process of updating his blog and he was worried about losing his RSS feed followers. He asked if anyone was following the RSS feed, and he wanted to know if we used a feed reader like Bloglines or Google Reader.
It’s been only a day and he’s gotten 5 responses. That’s a small survey group but it is rather telling. All 5 respondents use Google reader to follow more than 100 feeds. Three of us follow 500 or more feeds.
This could be a coincidence, but I don’t think so. Google Reader doesn’t have the best design (I’ve complained about it before here & here), but one thing it can do quite well is organize a large volume of RSS feeds. I think gReader will tend to be used by the power-users like me simply because it handles a large volume.
Do you use gReader, and if so, how many feeds do you follow?
Rick September 8, 2011 um 2:30 pm
Google Reader user with around 40 subscriptions.
Michael Allen September 8, 2011 um 2:31 pm
For what it’s worth, 63 feeds followed. Prefer it to Bloglines.
Steve Prior September 8, 2011 um 2:39 pm
123 feeds in Google Reader.
Wondered whether to use something else but haven’t got around to a serious search yet.
Abc September 8, 2011 um 2:48 pm
~200 subscriptions. GR is perfect for train/tube reeading 🙂
ibgl September 8, 2011 um 2:54 pm
165 feeds in Reader. Though because I read the posts in Reader, I am much less likley to leave a comment…
p0w September 8, 2011 um 3:04 pm
GReader – 77 feeds
jdeb September 8, 2011 um 3:13 pm
GReader, 82 feeds (and another dozen subscriptions to bookmarks). Let’s not talk about how many unread…
Ricardo September 8, 2011 um 3:15 pm
Google Reader with around 30 feeds. Main advantage being able to load and sync read articles between home, job, iphone apps, etc. Staring and searching also work great.
Paul Kater September 8, 2011 um 3:17 pm
Greader with some 60 feeds
Audrey September 8, 2011 um 3:20 pm
1000+ feeds (yikes) and Google Reader.
Nate Hoffelder September 8, 2011 um 3:25 pm
Most of those can be deleted without missing anything. I know because I used to have that many feeds
EC September 8, 2011 um 3:25 pm
Google reader – 167 feeds for me
BG September 8, 2011 um 3:29 pm
About 100 feeds in Google Reader
Riya September 8, 2011 um 3:32 pm
Google Reader – 61 subscriptions.
Edwin September 8, 2011 um 3:43 pm
I Combine GR with the app Feedly: it imports my 600+ feeds en presents it wonderfully…
NeoWolf September 8, 2011 um 3:57 pm
Google Reader and I’ve got it pruned down to 22 subscriptions.
John September 8, 2011 um 4:00 pm
Nice follow-up post Nate. Lots of extra stats.
Dan September 8, 2011 um 4:10 pm
187 subscriptions in Google Reader. I’m using it at home, at work and most of all on my mobile phone.
Jason K. September 8, 2011 um 4:24 pm
I use it, and follow around 60 (it used to be larger, but I’ve recently had to cut back, I didn’t have enough time each day…).
William Donohue September 8, 2011 um 4:25 pm
Google Reader – 208 feeds. Read either in the web client or in Reeder for Mac OS/iOS. I had been using Endo ), but it’s apparently no longer available for download.
daffy4u September 8, 2011 um 4:34 pm
Google Reader with 79 subscriptions.
paula September 8, 2011 um 4:52 pm
488, some of them are feeds that resulted from a Google search of specific terms.
Dustin Sullivan September 8, 2011 um 5:03 pm
Google Reader – 64 subscriptions
Chuck September 8, 2011 um 5:12 pm
696 feeds in Google Reader
Laura September 8, 2011 um 5:40 pm
Google Reader with about 100 feeds.
elmar September 8, 2011 um 6:07 pm
28 and counting now that I have discovered it!
Dave Riley September 8, 2011 um 6:09 pm
545 subscriptions in 20 folders on Gooogle Reader. It is my online hub. I have a Folder just for ebookery…
Debbie September 8, 2011 um 10:24 pm
I use Google Reader to read 194 feeds. I think a lot of them are really for feeds that have stopped posting–really have to get in there and clean it out.
Stephen September 8, 2011 um 11:02 pm
Google reader with 140 subscriptions in a dozen folders. I have 5 folders of different types of blogs, several folders with stuff of interest for different work projects, a couple organising webcomics I read when in that mood, etc.
I don’t read everything that shows up, especially on some of the big aggregate blogs. But most of my online reading does come from this way.
Sweetpea September 9, 2011 um 2:06 am
What is this Google Reader you’re talking about?
(just kidding, I only read RSS feeds when I’m behind a pc and those 6 I actually do read are in my FF’s bookmarks toolbar)
tst256 September 9, 2011 um 3:03 am
GR – 36 feeds
DebbyS September 9, 2011 um 6:03 am
I don’t know a thing about Google Reader (not kidding), but I really don’t need even more material I don' t have time to read…
Quasar September 9, 2011 um 10:23 pm
Definitely. Its the google product I use most. Have over a hundred feeds, which I use with both Feedly and Flipboard as front ends which I use multiple times per day.
Gary O September 10, 2011 um 11:33 am
250 feeds. Use Feedly on computer, and Reader HD on Android tablet, both of which integrate with Google Reader.
Lasto Adri September 15, 2011 um 7:20 am
Yes I do, around 800+ RSS feeds I follow.
S***: Google Reader to Shut Down on 1 July – Can Someone Recommend a Replacement? | The Digital Reader July 19, 2017 um 1:36 pm
[…] and I currently follow over 1,900 RSS feeds. While that is a little on the high side, the one time I ran a poll I learned that most gReader users use the app to follow an average of more than 100 RSS […]