Does Anyone Want a Mobile Theme for This Blog?
It’s quite late for me but I wanted to post a question and get feedback. Does anyone want to m to add a mobile theme for this blog?
Some time ago I had this blog set up to show different blog theme to mobile devices. The theme in question was Carrington Mobile. It was rather bland, but it worked rather well. That setup was deleted accidentally during one of the times I was purging the plugins (this can speed up the site). No one complained, so when I noticed that it was gone I left it that way.
I’ve just spent the last hour working towards enabling the mobile theme again, and I wanted to know if anyone wants to use it. I myself am ambivalent; when I am mobile I prefer to use an RSS feed reader of some kind. There are a number of aggragators out there and I figured everyone was using them.
But I can enable the mobile site again, and that would add some value. It would certainly make it easier to leave a comment or otherwise participate in the blog. It would also be easier to read a review from a smartphone (while you’re in a store thinking about buying a tablet, for example). <- And I think i just talked myself into it.
So if anyone wants it, let me know.
Stella Dauer May 9, 2012 um 2:07 am
I’m replying this from my smartphone, but I follow your site by RSS by a long time. For me, don’t need a mobile theme.
:) May 9, 2012 um 5:29 am
Only if it isn’t too much hassle.
Mister Steve May 9, 2012 um 6:34 am
I currently read the RSS feed on my phone, but a mobile theme would be nice.
Tim Gray May 9, 2012 um 8:05 am
Well, "responsive design" seems to be the new in thing…
Tyler May 9, 2012 um 10:35 am
I have the Galaxy Note. I prefer regular webpages since I can zoom in and out on them. Mobile sites don’t give me that option.
Jordan May 9, 2012 um 12:21 pm
regular website is fine – I would rather your efforts be put toward content.
vrwl May 10, 2012 um 12:54 am
No need for mobile, I read the blog using a RSS app on my Kindle Fire
bobiko May 11, 2012 um 5:18 am
It would be pretty helpful and appreciated. I’m reading the blog on my smartphone.