Dorling Kindersley to launch app store
The UK publisher Dorling Kindersley have just announced the launch of their app store where they now sell Android apps to the public. You can also vist their store to find links to Tunes so you can buy iOS apps.
Technically, the store is being run by Handango, not DK. Not that I’m criticizing; it makes sense that they’re using someone’s platform (it costs less than developing their own).
The app store currently has 2 sections, one for the US and the other for the UK. DK are also planning to add more sections for Canada and Australia, but I don’t understand why they’re hamstringing themselves this way. A digital market is a digital market; geographic restrictions shouldn’t matter.
ALso, I spent a few minutes looking at apps for phones that DK don’t have apps for (Symbian, Blackberry). DK aren’t doing a very good job of excluding other company’s apps from their app store. I suppose that’s okay, but how is it a DK App Store if it has everyone else’s apps?
LScanga January 1, 2011 um 6:55 am
This app shop pre selects apps that are consumer friendly and follow DK publishing ethos – hence why there are fewer apps to choose from on non ios platforms. Developers are not making apps for these platforms as there aren’t many consumer facing channels like iTunes.
At present search and discovery of apps is usually based on recommendation or is a painful search through other channels. DK is filtering apps across platforms – think of similarities to a department store. By using its editorial flair to select what it thinks DK customers will like is a good thing.
As a member of this project I am a firm believer that this offers customers better insight and accessibility of mobile content in an agnostic and consumer friendly environment. We’re keen to see what happens next and how the market will play out.