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Dropbox’s Solution to the Email Problem is Now Available for Android

A year mailbox-logo[1]after buying the email management app Mailbox, today Dropbox launched Mailbox for Android.

Have you ever been annoyed by the clunky sorting options in the average email client? Mailbox is the solution. This app lets you swipe to delete, archive, delay emails in your inbox. It has been available for iPhone and iPad for some time now, but it only launched for Android today (there’s also a beta app for OSX).

This app just came across my radar today, and I wish I had known about it a while ago. The app offers an interface that appears to fix many of the problems I see in the more common email clients.

Gmail for Android, for example, has awkwardly placed archive/delete buttons, and I believe that the stock email client on the iPad is so completely useless for dealing with even a moderate volume of emails that I won’t even express a negative opinion.

But now that I have Mailbox, none of that matters.

tumblr_inline_n3rvc65Uh61rwxcgm[1]In related news, the Mailbox team is also launching a new feature today called auto-swipe. The app will learn from how you sort your email and automatically repeat your actions on any incoming emails. Mute that discussion you don’t care about, snooze messages from your friends until after work, and route receipts to a list — automatically.

Gmail has a similar filtering option, but you have to set it up manually (and it doesn’t always work). I can’t wait to try Mailbox and see how it improves on Gmail.

Mailbox blog

Google Play

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Juli Monroe April 10, 2014 um 8:53 am

I use Mailbox for iOS, and I love it. It’s much better than the Gmail app. Unfortunately, it appears the Android version isn’t compatible with tablets. The Play Store lists it as incompatible with all my devices. (I don’t have an Android phone.) When it becomes tablet compatible, I’ll be happily downloading it.

Nate Hoffelder April 10, 2014 um 9:01 am

Is it tablets or devices not running KitKat? Because I’m seeing a similar problem.

Juli Monroe April 10, 2014 um 9:22 am

While I don’t own a Nexus 7 anymore, it’s still listed on my account, and it was running KitKat. It’s listed as not compatible.

A blog post I saw yesterday had lots of complaints of incompatible devices, and the assumption was that it was not tablet compatible. But we could have been wrong.

Helmut April 10, 2014 um 7:41 pm

The globalist war criminal Condolezza Rice has joined Dropbox.
Beware what you use, sheeple.

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