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Facebook is Giving Users Additional Superficial Control Over Their News Feed

facebook news feed controlFacebook rearranged the chains on their news feed algorithms today give users a little more control over what appears at the top of their news feed.

Android Police, WSJ, and Mashable reported that the advert network is now enabling users to pick which friends and pages to see at the top of their news feeds when they open the iOS app.

To help prioritize stories, and make sure you don’t miss posts from particular friends and Pages, you can now select which friends and Pages you would like to see at the top of your News Feed.

Within News Feed Preferences, tap on a friend’s profile picture to see their posts first. You will then see any new stories they’ve shared since your last visit to Facebook at the top of News Feed, with a star in the top right of their post so you know why they’re at the top. You can scroll down to see the rest of your News Feed normally.

Given that Facebook derives income from selling access to your news feed, this is at best a superficial change. Facebook is still going to hide things from you but at least the new feature will make it more convenient to find the updates that Facebook lets through.

The new feature was launched as part of a general redesign that tweaked a few existing settings to make them easier to manage. There’s also a new discovery tool for finding pages to follow, and a new way to identify the most active pages and people you follow so you can remove them if you like.


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