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First Look at the Cybook Odyssey (OOOH, PRETTY)

The Cybook Odyssey is just hitting the market in Europe, but no reviews have been posted. So Bookeen posted a few demo videos this morning, and 2 of them just blew me away.

The videos are short and don’t show much, but I’m posting them because you really need to see them. I’ve never seen this level of animation on a commercially available ebook reader with an E-ink screen. v

First up is a demo of the GUI. The Odyssey is so fast that Bookeen actually animated the menu system. That’s a first for E-ink screens.

And then there’s the boot animation. It’s so fast and smooth that any jerkyness you see is more likely to be caused by playback issues.


more videos on Bookeen’s blog

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Mike Cane November 28, 2011 um 12:49 pm

There are other videos that are interesting too:

walfischbucht November 29, 2011 um 3:00 am

@Mike Cane

The first video (the one supposedly showing PDF usage) seems especially interesting. I’d really lime to see some more tests, namely with larger A4 PDF files. With this kind of display speed this finally could be a device taking us closer to reading bigger pdf pages on a small screen (some people still have to do that …).

walfischbucht November 29, 2011 um 3:02 am

meant to say "like to see"

renzo November 29, 2011 um 4:15 am

Really does someone need animated menus on a B&W reader?
Furthermore, seems to me that the processor is slower than the display.

I need a cheap, solid ereader, with a amazon-like warranty on the display. I broke the display of my kindle and they changed me the ereader for free.

If I’ve bought a bookeen I shoud have paid 100 euros or more to repair the ereader.

low December 13, 2011 um 11:05 am

Hi, thanks. Would like to know if the reader handle kindle cloudreader at all? If yes, does it do it well? Also, can it handle library books downloaded directly from lib overdrive portal?thanks!

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