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First Look at the Limited Edition Nook Cream

Barnes & Noble had a limited edition Nook Touch on sale today. I was just a moment too slow to get one, so I cannot tell you what it looks like in person. But I did come across a video on Youtube, so here is a screen shot. I thought at least some of my readers would want to know what it looks like.

As you can see, the Nook Cream has just the white trimwork to separate it from the regular Nook Touch. There’s really nothing to recommend it other than the fact it is pretty.

I want one.

I’m going to post the video, but I wouldn’t watch it. The guy wastes the first 50 seconds blathering before he opens the box and lets us see the Nook Cream. It’s incredibly irritating. But if you do watch it, skip the first 50 seconds.

If you can still find one of these ereaders, I’d go for it. It’s pretty. But it is also quite limited in supply, so good luck.

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karen wester newton November 25, 2011 um 4:40 pm

There is no difference except for the little white stripe? So it’s like a racing stripe on a car? does it mean this Nook can go faster? -)

Really, white strikes me is how much the Kindle Touch and the Nook Simple Touch look alike. I guess once you strip away the keyboard you get a screen with a bevel and that’s it.

Peter Spenser November 25, 2011 um 5:44 pm

“There’s really nothing to recommend it other than the fact it is pretty. I want one.” At least you’re honest.

Tyler November 25, 2011 um 6:02 pm

Wow, it’s not even all white like I thought it was going to be. Not worth running out and buying when I have the black bezel one already!

Mike Cane November 25, 2011 um 6:07 pm

Everyone forgets: Aside from the white stripe, it was 20% off the price!!

Nate Hoffelder November 25, 2011 um 6:31 pm

Yes, but they offered to give me the the regular one for that price too.

Mike Cane November 25, 2011 um 9:18 pm

Damn. I didn’t know that bit.

Fbone November 25, 2011 um 6:45 pm

He does have a good voice for radio and TV.

Tyler November 25, 2011 um 11:49 pm

I already have one so I dont need to pay for another. They should have included some free books or something and made it a better offer.

Carmie November 26, 2011 um 3:02 pm

I bought a Nook Touch at a Barnes and Noble store yesterday, but it wasn’t the "Cream" version, which I had expected; rather, it was the standard black-trimmed NT. The price was $79, plus they hit me up for another $20 for the wall plug power adapter and an envelope containing a couple of anti-glare screen protectors. I probably don’t need the extras, or do I?

Nate Hoffelder November 26, 2011 um 4:54 pm

I don’t think you need the extras, no.

fjtorres November 26, 2011 um 6:14 pm

Not if you have a PC, Gaming Console, or other USB-equipped device.
Nooks charge off any generic USB power source.
And unless you want to use a stylus or throw the reader into a book bag or purse unprotected, screen protectors don’t buy you much.
The stuff isn’t useless but what is extra here is the extra money they squeezed out of you.

Tyler November 27, 2011 um 8:50 am

No, there is a wall plug adapter included so I would return that.I always buy a case for mine and the Nook Touch has some nice ones available for it.

Logan Kennelly November 27, 2011 um 4:46 pm

The new $99 Nook Touch (or $79 in this case) does not include the power adapter. Some people get lucky at stores like Target, receiving the old packaging, but I haven’t seen the new packaging to know if you can tell the difference at a glance.

Susan H December 8, 2011 um 11:13 am

I just bought the Nook at Target and got the wall plug adapter..Cost $99….

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