Google Ebookstore now live
It’s up. Go check it out. I’m just now looking at it myself.
The ebookstore is live, and it boasts more than 3 million titles.
It looks like those rumors about indie booksellers were true. Google is reporting that you can buy GE from any number of partner bookstores, but unfortunately, there aren’t any ebookstores listed yet. I’m sure that was an oversight.
It has the browser reading app (we already knew about), but there is also an Android app and a couple iOS apps (which aren’t in the app store just yet). I haven’t tried it yet, but you can also transfer ebooks to any ereader using Adobe DE DRM (format support includes Epub and PDF). Now that was a smart move.
Interesting. GE is integrated into your existing Google Books bookshelf. I’m pleased but not surprised. From the back end details I found a couple months back I thought this would happen. I think I’m wrong here.
Update: It’s only open to US residents (duh) and you have to have a Google account (duh). There’s no real customer service, but we knew that was going to happen. Google sucks at providing real service and support.
Second Update: Check out the known issues page. Don’t you just love how Google does beta launches?
So what do I think? I’m a little surprised that Google is planning to compete on the open market. I had thought they would cut themselves off (like Amazon or B&N). All of a sudden the ebook market got very interesting.
Oh, and we’re going to see a jump in reported ebook sales for December.
Luqman December 6, 2010 um 2:00 pm
The prices look like junk, though. Selection doesn’t seem to be too great either; there are certainly lacunae such as most of Fritz Leiber’s catalogue.
igorsk December 6, 2010 um 4:31 pm
FYI some Leiber is available from Webscriptions:
Google eBookstore about to go International? – The Digital Reader August 28, 2011 um 8:39 pm
[…] support pages open to the public months and months before the Google eBookstore launched in December of 2010. They’re just as likely to hold the international expansion for a few months just to make […]
Google eBookstore Confirmed for Australia – The Digital Reader September 8, 2011 um 4:27 pm
[…] been just 9 months between the time Google launched the eBookstore and the first hint that it would go international, […]
Google eBookstore now Live in the UK – The Digital Reader October 6, 2011 um 11:41 am
[…] launch comes just over a year since the Google eBookstore first launched in the US (December 2010). The exact details haven’t been shared, but by all indications the US eBookstore seems to be […]
Google eBookstore Now Live in Australia – The Digital Reader November 7, 2011 um 11:19 pm
[…] launch comes just under a year after the US launch, and it comes almost exactly a month after the UK launch. On a related note, Google also expanded […]
When did the Google eBookstore Stop Accepting Affiliates? – The Digital Reader February 22, 2012 um 1:52 pm
[…] Google BooksThe Google eBookstore has had an affiliate partnership program ever since it launched 14 months ago, but recent signs suggest that they might have killed it off.PW was the first to notice that Google […]
Google Play Books Reaches a Billion Installs – Are Your eBooks Available There? | Ink, Bits, & Pixels June 9, 2015 um 9:46 am
[…] launched in late 2010, Google Play Books grew out of the Google Books book-scanning project as it slowly morphed from an […]