Hotspot Users, Rejoice! Opera Max Now Manages Data Usage on Wifi
Launched early last year, Opera Max lets users reduce data usage over a mobile connection by compressing the data stream using Opera’s proprietary tech. It was a useful tool, but it had one key limitation: the app ran on Android and only worked with a 3G/4G/etc connection.
Those of us who tie our Wifi-equipped devices to a mobile hotspot couldn’t use Opera Max, but now we can.
Opera rolled out a new update today for Opera Max which adds support for managing data compression over Wifi. The app will let you manage the mobile vs Wifi connections individually, and there’s also a new blocking option should you want to put a particularly thirsty app on ice for a while.
Opera Max compresses data like emails, webpages, photos, or videos downloaded to your Android device. Doing so reduces bandwidth usage by up to 50% of free data, thus, speeding a slow connection.
Speaking as someone who walks around trade shows with a hotspot in my bag and an Android tablet in my hand, this is great news. Now I’m going to be able to cut back from an unlimited plan to a pay as you go plan, reduce costs, and browse faster.
You can find the app in Google Play.
Opera Max Now Blocks Tracking Scripts, Encrypts Your Mobile Data | The Digital Reader October 10, 2016 um 11:38 am
[…] connections and save users money on their data plans. Last May Opera expanded support to include compressing data over Wifi (useful for those of us with mobile hotspots), and now Opera has added several security features a […]