How to Find the Hidden Browser on the Nook Glowlight Plus
Barnes & Noble’s latest (and probably final) ereader doesn’t have quite as many nifty software features as earlier models, but it does still have a few hidden options.
For example, one MobileRead member has discovered that the Glowlight Plus has a hidden web browser (just like previous models). You don’t access it quite the same way, but it is there.
Here’s how to get to it.
- To find the web browser on the Glowlight Plus, first open an ebook.
- Select a word, and when the menu pops up on screen select the sharing option. (It looks like a sideways V, or an <).
- Choosing the share option will bring up a menu where you can log in to your Facebook account.
- You can log in to your account if you want, but if you just want the web browser then look for the very faint print text below the email/password box.
- Press the words that say "Help Center".
And now you have the web browser open.
It’s not good for much, and it’s not easy to access, but it is there. See:
Nook Glowlight Plus Rooting Notes #7 | Mike Cane’s xBlog October 30, 2015 um 11:24 am
[…] the steps, this time via The Digital Reader — How to Find the Hidden Browser on the Nook Glowlight Plus — which published a photo (see link for uncropped large […]
Frank October 30, 2015 um 11:32 am
I don’t think this is the final ereader from B&N. I think there is room in the market for future Nook devices.
Le navigateur caché de la Nook Glowlight Plus | Quoi lire ? October 30, 2015 um 3:11 pm
[…] The Digital Reader nous fait part d’une astuce qui permet de lancer un navigateur internet caché dans le Nook Glowligh Plus. […]