How to Install Android Market on the Visual Land Connect Android Tablet
This is an otherwise unremarkable Android tablet which can be had relatively cheap at Walmart. It has a funky button layout, generally mid-range performance, and it doesn’t ship with Android Market.
I can fix the last part, at least.
A while back I found a set of simple and straightforward instructions for installing Android Market. They don’t work on all tablets but they do work here.
This hack won’t let you update to Google Play and it’s missing the latest new sections (including music and video) but it will let you buy and install apps. It is far better than nothing. Here’s how you do it.
- Download this ZIP file to your computer.
- Open the Zip file to your computer and copy the contents to a folder on your Polaroid tablet via a USB cable. Then unplug your tablet.
- Once you’ve done that, open the file manager on your tablet and go to the folder where you put the files. Try to install the following apps in this order (double click on the files in order to run them):
- OneTimeInitializer-signed.apk
- SetupWizard.apk
- vending-3.1.3-signed.apk
As a 4th step you might want to press the home button, select the checkmark which says “open always with”, and then select Launcher. This will guarantee that whenever you press the home button you will see the home screen and not be prompted with a menu.
joe September 16, 2012 um 6:00 am
I’m hoping someone may be able to help here trying to install google app store on my impression i10 tablet using the method you describe on this blog in various post but not having any luck I get a parse error message om all my files is there something else I might try it’s a nice enough tablet being it’s only android 2.3 is that the problem ? to old a android? or is it just a bad fit any help would be great I did download to my tablet unziped files not ziped.
Patty December 21, 2012 um 2:20 pm
I need help with adding google play on my visual land tablet. I have tried downloading what was given to me but there are so many folders to unzip I just dont know what to do.
Scott December 24, 2012 um 7:33 pm
Patty, get it figured out?
Cynthia December 23, 2012 um 3:55 pm
It worked! I was able to install it but when I open it, it only shows "loading" and then it shuts down.
Shirleen December 25, 2012 um 1:03 pm
I followed all instructions and the Market is available. I’ve signed in with my gmail account and have access to view apps, however when I choose an app to download, I get an error indicating that it can’t be downloaded. Help please! My kids are driving me nuts with these tablets.
Nate Hoffelder December 25, 2012 um 1:06 pm
Try these steps:
Cor Bryant January 27, 2013 um 5:23 pm
That’s for supported devices. We’re all here because we have devices that don’t support market or Play. Pay attention. LOL
Linette December 25, 2012 um 7:26 pm
Thank you sooo much for your post. It worked! I was considering to return my son’s new tablet, but now I don’t have to do so. 🙂
angelo December 29, 2012 um 10:14 pm
verified. my wife owns one and it works on this.
Keith December 30, 2012 um 12:01 am
After I fallowed the directions the android app appeared . I tried to down load a book. The app "unfortunately stopped working every time. Why?
kristy January 4, 2013 um 5:09 pm
erick January 5, 2013 um 12:34 am
tank,but it changed they layout of my homepage and other pages but still cool.
douglas January 11, 2013 um 3:14 am
Works, but have same issue as erick. How do I reset my Home button back to what it was before (vLauncher)?
"As a 4th step you might want to press the home button, select the checkmark which says “open always with”, and then select Launcher. This will guarantee that whenever you press the home button you will see the home screen and not be prompted with a menu."
Samuel G. January 22, 2013 um 7:30 pm
How do you uninstall the zipfile from the tablet?
Cor Bryant January 27, 2013 um 5:11 pm
Fair warning. This trick is going to wipe out all of your home screen settings. i.e. you will have to completely recreate all of your screens and folders that you see when you swipe left and right. You will also have to add back all widgets and icons, and lastly you will have to reconfigure some minor things. If you use a Connect, it’s going to change the menu formats as well. Almost looks like the older Android OS version to me? Anyway, it worked and the Market is on the tablet. I’ve heard you CAN indeed upgrade to Google Play from this point, but have yet to search that out.
Jean Audelo September 28, 2014 um 10:49 am
Visual land prestige 7 I bought it for my Grand daughter. It don’t load anything HELP plz
Cor Bryant January 27, 2013 um 5:13 pm
Ahhh hell! Is it just me or can you not install widgets anymore?? If I long press the screen I used to get a prompt to add an app/icon or widget… Now it’s just wallpapers.. What gives?
Cor Bryant January 27, 2013 um 5:17 pm
Ahhh nevermind. Had to go to APPS, then WIDGETS… LOL It’s just all a bit different now — I actually like this format wayyyy better. Much more intuitive once you pay attention. =)
gorgol February 2, 2013 um 2:40 am
i have followed the steps and the store works fine. but how do i add google play money?? can i?
bipolarminkeyrob April 27, 2013 um 11:50 am
If you have put a lot of effort into your homescreen like me (installed a whole new launcher) then its really not worth it, just use 1mobile appstore, its all free and gets just about the same apps as google play does, happy surfin… pornheads
Jenny Jones June 2, 2013 um 9:43 pm
Thank you for the instructions. I followed step by step and it worked for me. I am so much happier with my prestige 7 visual land tablet now that I can download apps.
Ibu June 3, 2013 um 9:30 pm
Thank you works like a dream on my visual land prestige 7 just not updated though
calynn June 6, 2013 um 8:48 pm
I got it downloaded but then when I try to download it, it tells me that it cant. any advice?
Thomas June 6, 2013 um 10:13 pm
That make no sense, can you download the file, or can’t you?
beverly July 1, 2013 um 4:45 pm
I have followed the instructions. I have the market on the tablet. However each time I try to open it it goes through its loading process and I am then prompted with:
Authentification required. Please log in with your google account. Retry.
I am very confused because I have previously done this step already.
Help, please!!!!
Nate Hoffelder July 1, 2013 um 10:19 pm
What happens when you log in the second time?
Beverly July 1, 2013 um 11:49 pm
It repeatedly would do the same thing. I would click retry and would eventually come back to same prompt as stated before. It went through after many attempts though!!! The only thing I can think is that maybe it was a connection problem. I did noticed that it would not stay connected to the internet.
It is working now though and I have one happy child in love with her tablet all over again and two who are jealous!!! Thank you!!!!
Eric July 20, 2013 um 5:28 pm
Worked flawlessly for me. Totally changed the usefulness of the tablet. Thanks a TON!!
Robby August 30, 2013 um 9:56 am
I have a visual land prestige 10 with jelly bean. I am able to get on Google play but with I try to install app it tells me that 'My device is not compatiable."
Any suggestion!
chris October 10, 2013 um 1:30 am
I had to do a "factory reset" to my prestige 10 visual land tablet and then all i had to do is put the zip files onto my tablet from my computer. After that its working perfect right now!!! I’m so happy right now, so if you’re having problems try it my way.
D2-711 September 16, 2013 um 11:41 pm
I followed all instruction and was able to get the Google Market on here, however it will not allow me to download anything, please advise if anyone has had this problem, and was able to get passed it.
It just says "could not be downoladed due to an error.
Dag September 28, 2013 um 3:00 pm
Worked perfectly!! I finally have GMail on this tablet and it’s showing up in the camera as well to send my photos.
Comment installer le Google Play Store sur ne importe quel appareil Android, le Play Store Fix! V5.1.11 – Ressource Info January 11, 2015 um 10:50 pm
[…] Visual Land Connect Tablet:… […]
Comment installer le Google Play Store pour Android & CyanogenMod, le magasin Lecture Fix V5.1.11 – Ressource Info January 12, 2015 um 4:21 pm
[…] Visual Land Connect Tablet:… […]
Rudy Sebastiano September 24, 2015 um 7:18 pm
my visual land prestige 7 keeps popping up with unfortionally [ google search stopped working] how can I restore google?
Natalia January 13, 2016 um 7:23 pm
I downloaded the market fine, but when I hit download for the app, it just says starting download and then doesn’t do anything any suggestions?
Nate Hoffelder January 13, 2016 um 7:41 pm
Do you mean you can’t download apps from Google Play?
Turn the Wifi on and off, and then try the download again.
If that doesn’t help, reboot the tablet.
reymos October 9, 2016 um 2:39 pm
Alright, I installed all three of the .APKs in proper order on my Visual Land VL-107L, which i just factory reset. However, I may or may not have set my Google account and sync settings before installing them, I honestly can’t remember. Everything seemed to be working alright until I tried to actually install something. It’ll pull up the confirmation window, but here’s the thing. It lists none of the permissions, it simply says that the app requires no special permissions. I know this cannot be right because I’ve intalled this app and modified versions of it plenty of times, and it definety requires special priveleges. When I click accept, it’ll say "Starting Download…", then the market window will go to a greyish screen for a second before returning to normal, and the download status remains the same. Any ideas on what I may have did wrong? Could it be the fact that I already signed into my Google account?
Anyone who may know, please respond ASAP. Thanks.
reymos October 9, 2016 um 3:46 pm
*** BUMP ***
Did another factory reset, this time making sure I don’t set up my Google account on anything else before installing the .APKs, and I still have the same issue.
Carrie February 24, 2017 um 10:53 am
I have the same problem. I was able to get the "Market" by android and I cannot download any apps or anything. It just says downloading, then I’ll go back and check later and says "download" again. I just want something so I can put apps on my tablet. AHH
Jay November 25, 2017 um 1:33 pm
I did the install worked fine, do I need to keep the files from the zip file? (space issues)
Nate Hoffelder November 25, 2017 um 1:34 pm
Jason Hailey July 28, 2018 um 5:35 pm
Cant hard reset my prime 10 it doesnt work help