Infographic: The Most Poetic Cities in the (Mostly English-Speaking) World
The poetry site My Poetic Side has combed their database and come up with a list of what they are calling the ten most poetic cities in the world.
The cities are ranked based on the number of poets who were born, died, or educated in a city. Aside from Paris, all of the cities on this list are located in either the US or UK, so I’m not sure that calling this a global list is an accurate description.
But it’s still a nifty list, and if you visit the original blog post you will find an interactive list of the cities which details which writers are connected to each city, and how.
Le Migliori della settimana #IMO – Editori Italiani June 26, 2016 um 5:56 am
[…] 20 giugno – The Digital Reader I tipi di My Poetic Side hanno utilizzato il loro corposo database per realizzare una riuscitissima infografica con un elenco di ciò che essi hanno definito le dieci città più poetiche del mondo. Infographic: The Most Poetic Cities in the (Mostly English-Speaking) World […]
brian delaney January 4, 2017 um 4:49 am
Em, Dublin is in Ireland, not the UK.
Still, nice presentation there.