Infographic: The Open Textbook Challenge 15.11.2012 Nate Hoffelder 5 Comments This week’s infographic comes via and takes a look at the rising cost of textbooks. More Infographics More Infographics
Popup November 15, 2012 um 9:44 am
I simply don’t believe that college textbooks increased by 186% in 2004 alone!
The graph surely represents cumulative increase since 1986, but it does so in a rather sloppy way.
Nate Hoffelder November 15, 2012 um 3:31 pm
I thought the graph showed the cumulative increase over time, not proportional.
Popup November 15, 2012 um 4:25 pm
Yes, that’s what it looks like, but the graph is labelled 'annual percentage increased'.
The data might well be correct, but when it’s presented in such a sloppy fashion it’s hard to take it seriously.
Frustrated November 16, 2012 um 6:17 am
What a great, unintentional example of the kinds if poor presentation you are likely to get without a professional author and editorial team. You don’t see this in professional textbooks. Perhaps you do get what you pay for.
Nate Hoffelder November 16, 2012 um 7:32 am
You must not follow the same textbook publishing circles I do. This kind of mistake is less uncommon in paid textbooks than you might think.
And what makes you say that the folks who release an OEM textbook aren’t pros?