Is Anyone Else Not Seeing the New Audiobook Section in Kobo Writing Life?
One of the more interesting news stories last week was Kobo’s announcement that Kobo Writing Life now distributed audiobooks (I didn’t expect this to happen until after Rakuten bought Findaway).
Indie authors can upload an audiobook to KWL, and inside if 72 hours it will be listed with all of Kobo’s retail partners.
Or at least that is how it is supposed to work; I am looking at my KWL dashboard right now, and I don’t see audiobooks mentioned anywhere.
According to the video in the KWL blog post, there’s supposed to be a menu option for audiobooks to the right of Dashboard and eBooks, but as you can see in the above screenshot, it’s not there.
Can you check your KWL dashboard, and tell me if you can see the Audiobooks option?
Ricardo Lourenço October 1, 2019 um 11:52 am
I don’t see the Audiobook option either.
Sonia October 1, 2019 um 11:55 am
Thought it was because I have an Italian account, but you haven’t seen it either, so let’s wait.
Russell Phillips October 1, 2019 um 3:53 pm
I’ve got it, between the Ebooks and Promotions links. It looks like you haven’t got the Promotions link either, so maybe it’s only been rolled out so far to those that have the Promotions link?
Lindsay October 2, 2019 um 3:53 pm
I have it, the same as Russell. You had to ask, back in the day, for the promotions tab, so maybe they are linked.
Ros Jackson October 3, 2019 um 2:24 pm
I’ve got Dashboard > Ebooks > Promotions > Author Services > Help across the top. Still nothing yet about audiobooks. They’re rolling it out slowly, so I think many authors will have to ask for them to enable it.
Christopher December 11, 2020 um 12:37 pm
I also have NO AUDIO BOOK option… I make audio books… this is why I joined KOBO… anyone have any luck??
Becky Grubbs Ritter November 5, 2021 um 12:48 pm
Several months ago I inquired if it was necessary to publish an ebook in order to publish an audiobook. They said it was not required. I relied on the information and went through the process of recording the book and now that I am ready to download, also noticed that the audiobook option is missing from the dashboard. I have been informed that the policy has changed and unless your book is published with them as an e-book, they are no longer accepting audiobooks for publishing. I am hoping to hear back that they will let me upload the audio book. We shall see.
Dizzle May 27, 2022 um 9:53 pm
Thank you.