Jisc Now Offers Digital Textbooks
Digital library vendor Jisc has found a back door to shove institutional- or site-licensed digital textbooks through.
Last week Jisc announced a partnership with Bibliotech, the next doomed digital textbook startup, to license digital textbooks to college libraries.
Bibliotech, coined by its founders as ‘the Spotify of textbooks’, has been selected as a preferred e-textbook supplier in the UK. A shortlisted entrant in our edtech startup competition this year, Bibliotech negotiates with publishers on behalf of its users – be they students or academics – and via a web app, provide access to core textbooks for as little as £2.99 a month.
Bibliotech was named as one of the recommended suppliers for e-textbooks in the Joint Consortia Framework Agreement for Books, which launches today. UK higher education institutions may purchase their e-books, standing orders and related materials via this framework agreement which provides compliance under EU procurement directives.
David Sherwood, CEO at Bibliotech, commented,
“We’re very pleased to be appointed as a supplier on the Joint Consortia Framework Agreement not long after Bibliotech launched in September 2016.
We offer e-textbooks under a unique subscription business model and look forward to partnering with libraries in England and Wales to provide a sustainable library focused model for electronic textbook delivery.”
I have previously explained in detail why site licenses are not in the best interests of students or schools, so I won’t repeat them here. I will note, though, that I found over the past few months that many librarians shared my views on site licenses.
they think it is a terrible value for students, so while Jisc may have found a back door for licensing digital textbooks, it is a door that few librarians are going to open.
image by Mr.Thomas
Allen F August 7, 2017 um 6:22 pm
Anything they can do to steal an extra buck out of someone else’s pocket …
Paul Biba’s eBook, eLibrary, eMuseum and ePublishing news compilation for week ending Friday, August 11 | The Digital Reader August 12, 2017 um 3:20 pm
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