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Kindle Store to Launch in the Netherlands in October?

4444210397_2d0504d1f4[1]Hot on the heels of Saturday’s news of Kobo signing a new retail partner in the region comes new rumors that Amazon is going to launch a local Kindle Store in the Netherlands.

Citing unnamed sources, two different Dutch news sites are reporting that Amazon will launch a Kindle Store in the Netherlands next month (a similar report also showed up in my comment section). first reported the rumor on Saturday, and they were followed by Boekblad this morning (or at least that’s when the story came through my RSS feeds).

Few specific details are available, but Boekblad is saying that the Kindle Store will launch on 1 October. MustReads is less specific, simply saying that the launch will happen next month.

I have no information one way or the other, but I do know that Amazon has shown an interest in the region. Support for the Dutch language was added to the Kindle Store in September 2013, making it easier for Amazon to sell ebooks there, and Amazon also recently posted a job listing for a Dutch translator to help localize the Kindle apps and devices.

I’ve been expecting Amazon to launch more local Kindle Stores ever since they expanded language support last year, so I will not be surprised when this rumor comes true.

image  by KJBO

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