Kobo Adds Overdrive Integration to Aura, Clara HD, and Aura H2O2 eReaders with Update 4.10
When Kobo launched the Aura One two years ago, they thrilled fans by integrating support for library ebooks, only to frustrate us by leaving the feature out of subsequent Kobo models like the Aura H2O2 and the Clara HD.
That changed this week with a new firmware update.
Kobo released an update for its current ereader models that give owners the ability to access their local public libraries directly to their devices. Once they add their library account to their ereader, they can search for titles, place holds, and download library ebooks from inside the Overdrive section of the Kobo store on the device.
According to my source on MobileRead, the update includes the Aura H20 Edition 2, Aura Edition 2, and the Clara HD, but only adds library support for users in specific countries: Canada, UK, US, Australia, and New Zealand.
Other Kobo owners will have to continue to to use Adobe Digital Editions to transfer library ebooks using a computer and a USB cable.
The firmware update is supposed to be downloaded automatically. That didn’t work for me, so I will soon be downloading it manually from the unofficial firmware page on github.
tired August 22, 2018 um 9:42 am
Good!!! Locking it to one device was such a bone headed decision. This should have happened along time ago.
J.D. Ogre August 22, 2018 um 11:12 am
The firmware isn’t available until the 24th.
Oh, and we won’t have access to the entire ebook catalogue that the library system whose card we register with, only the ones Kobo already sells itself. You have to go through the Kobo Store and choose a borrow option. Assuming the commenter over at Good e-Reader is correct, anyways.
Nate Hoffelder August 22, 2018 um 11:48 am
My Clara was trying to install the firmware last night; this might explain why it failed.
Laura August 23, 2018 um 10:22 am
If the book is in the Kobo catalogue it’s a little easier to borrow the book on the computer (or phone) first via the Overdrive/ library website then just sync the Kobo.I originally didn’t get the Clara because of the lack of Overdrive integration so now I can get it (and pass the Aura One to my partner).
Ben August 24, 2018 um 7:51 am
The update seems to have killed wifi on my Clara HD. Anybody in the same situation?
Rohit September 11, 2018 um 12:15 pm
Seriously thinking of getting either the Clara or Aura 2. Has the Overdrive integration worked for anyone? thanks
Nate Hoffelder September 11, 2018 um 2:19 pm
I understand integration has already been added, but I have not had a chance to check just yet.
Tracey S September 12, 2018 um 6:30 pm
We have the Aura 2. Was trying to figure it out after updating.
I had assumed there’d be a separate area for it, but it’s in the "shop" section.
I placed a hold on a book for myself – which was easy, but it does not show that it’s held. I checked a book I had an existing hold for, and it also didn’t reflect there was a hold placed. I confirmed via Libby that it had held the first book, and didn’t place extra on the second so that worked, but using a second app to verify shouldn’t be necessary. We did check out a book for my husband, which downloaded and was available to read immediately.
Mel December 20, 2018 um 3:38 pm
Hi there, I’m thinking of buying a Kobo H202 and have 2 questions:
1) I’d would love the overdrive feature to make borrowing from library easier. Thing is, overdrive isn’t listed in the H202 specs on kobo website or jb hifi, only in the aura one and forma. Just checking if anyone has had luck getting overdrive to work on an aura h202?
2) also, the whole reason I’m buying a new kobo is that my old one was stolen. Does anyone have any ideas of how to track or disable or get a stolen kobo back?!
Many thanks.
Yannick December 18, 2019 um 10:56 am
I love the Overdrive integration. My girlfriend and I share a joint library account and we love being surprised by books landing on our respective Kobos. We can reserve books seamlessly on our desktops and on our mobiles and the books are automatically transferred to our Kobos (Aura H2O and Clara) as soon as our holds become available.
Des April 30, 2020 um 11:29 pm
Hi all, I just bought a new kobo Clara HD and installed overdrive etc. I now find I can sync or download my library books to my new kobo Clara HD ONLY IF those titles are also in the Kobo Store. How useless is that. Oh well, I need to change the author I’m following because she is not in the kobo store. Grrrrr