Morning Coffee – 23 May 2017
Here are a few stories to read this morning.
- Bookstore Pop-ups Keep On Popping Up ( )
- The Dangers of Reading in Bed (The Atlantic)
- How Does an 8,000 Word Story Go Viral? (Motherboard)
- Online top ranking: what does Amazon Charts mean for the book industry? (The Guardian)
- Sex and Other Reasons Why We Ban Books for Young People (The Digital Reader)
Mike Hall May 23, 2017 um 2:21 am
Your link for no. 3 is currently the same as that for no. 2 so both go to The Atlantic
Nate Hoffelder May 23, 2017 um 7:39 am
thank you!
I fixed it.
Rebecca Allen May 24, 2017 um 10:25 pm
The kids interrupted me repeatedly during that Atlantic article when I read it, so it makes sense to me that a lot of people wound up coming back to finish it because their lives interrupted finishing it as well. It is telling that we kept coming back to it. I didn’t blog about it, but I did wind up talking about it to my husband, because it fits so well with a long conversation we’ve been having (one of the best things about being married is the ability to start and stop a conversation on a particular topic over a period of years, without even having to bring the person up to speed on previous elements discussed) about how much North America is defined socially, politically, economically, technologically, by its persistent inadequate labor supply. The article also really struck me, in that it explained how people justify modern forms of slavery. I couldn’t quite understand how anyone would entrust their food, home, children to someone who was a slave. But the author’s explanation made it quite clear: the intergenerational nature of the relationship — not just with slaves in general, but a particular slave — created a particular kind of trust that is almost unimaginable to me.