Morning Coffee – 24 June 2019
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning.
- Stalker (she’s a repeat offender, in fact) Kathleen Hale has a new book coming out.
- Tim Lott argues in The Guardian that kids should be taught story-telling over grammar. I was taught neither, so I can’t really comment.
- The Washington Post found that over the course of a week Chrome loaded almost 12,000 trackers that Firefox did not. At the same time, this paper will not let you read its articles if you block its trackers (pot, kettle, black).
- Due to vagaries of US copyright law, a lot of riffs and solos in pre-1978 songs are not covered by copyright.
- The average reading speed is slower than previously thought.
Gari Strawn June 24, 2019 um 9:52 am
As a reader, I heartily wish reviewers who did not finish the book, and declared they’d done so, were not able to leave reviews. Surely, Amazon and Goodreads could weed this sort of review out. It’s not fair to an author to judge content from a small sampling.
Nate Hoffelder June 24, 2019 um 10:06 am
As a reader I want to know why someone didn’t finish a book because that might stop me from finishing it, either.