Morning Coffee – 6 April 2020
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning.
The first 5 stories are all on the same topic (the Internet Archive’s recent acts of piracy), so I have split the other links into a separate section.
- Bill Rosenblatt reached the same conclusion about the Internet Archive’s National Emergency library pirate site that I did, that Brewster Kahle’s goal was less about helping libraries and more about forcing a lawsuit in order to rewrite copyright laws.
- Karin Wulf believes that the " Internet Archive is not breaking the glass to save anyone but rather seems to be just… breaking glass".
- David Newhoff questions the ethics of the Internet Archive’s decision to deprive creators of income, and rightly so.
- Victoria Strauss explains how there’s no legislative or judicial basis for the IA’s claims of fair use.
- Ryan Clough lays out the measures real libraries are taking in response to the current crisis, all of which are far more limited than the Internet Archive’s acts of piracy.
- A new theory has been invented about who actually wrote Shakespeare’s plays.
- When it comes time to refresh your author website, I have a few ideas of what you should look at.
- Online ad rates fell last week, and continue to fall (because people aren’t buying).
- Here’s a bunch of ways to save money when buying more books.
- Ted Goia points out how many web platforms such as Facebook and Youtube are designed to get creators to give their work away so companies can exploit it.
gbm April 6, 2020 um 9:08 pm
please do not use SHORTEN urls.
Nate Hoffelder April 6, 2020 um 10:15 pm
gbm April 7, 2020 um 3:20 pm
Because I can not check the url when I mouse over.