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Netgalley to resume Kindle support in March

NetGalley sent out an email a few minutes ago and announced that it would soon be able to support the Kindle again. The manuscript distributor had stopped supporting the Kindle a little over a month ago due to a disagreement with Amazon.

Amazon and NetGalley have one big thing in common: we both want to deliver a first-class reading experience. As you know, we’ve had to temporarily disable the Kindle option for most of the titles in NetGalley. But now we have great news: Amazon has been working with us to help bring back the Kindle option for NetGalley. Your Kindle button should return in March. So thanks for your continued patience — we appreciate your emails and tweets about how you love reading digital galleys on your Kindle.

I was working on a theory that NetGalley would use the Kindle lending feature. But then I followed up with an email and I was told that not all details have been worked out, but my contact said that NetGalley wasn’t planning to use it.

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