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So I Have a New Home Page

This took me a good three months longer than I had planned, but today I am ready to unveil the new home page for this site.

The new layout deemphasizes the blog and brings more attention to the tech support side of the business. It also does a better job of introducing me and telling my story. The old home page is still around, of course; it has simply been moved to

I would appreciate any feedback you could provide.

P.S. I’d like to thank Kandia Johnson, who helped me better understand how to present myself a creative professional (her Masterclass is an amazing value), Michael Carusi, whose site inspired my personal narrative, and Jane Friedman, because (let’s be honest) my home page started with essentially the same stock page layout from the same site builder she had used (but then I added a few improvements).

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Anthony February 18, 2018 um 1:49 pm

Good luck with the new site layout! One suggestion: maybe put a link to the new blog location in your menu bar?

Nate Hoffelder February 18, 2018 um 2:10 pm

that link is in the blue title for the blog posts

but yes, I should probably edit the menu bar as well

Carmen Webster Buxton February 18, 2018 um 5:47 pm

Looks great, Nate! Very easy to use.

Nate Hoffelder February 20, 2018 um 8:28 am

Thanks, Carmen!

Carmen Webster Buxton February 18, 2018 um 5:50 pm

p.s. On the reader resources page, you could add a list of ebook email services, like BookBub, Fussy Librarian, Bargain Booksy, etc.

Nate Hoffelder February 18, 2018 um 6:01 pm

I haven’t actually looked at that page in – years?

You’re right, I need to add it to the todo list

Claudia February 18, 2018 um 5:52 pm

I like it a lot! It looks especially good on a phone or tablet, which is important in this day and age.

Lindsay Buroker February 19, 2018 um 11:40 am

Hope it brings you lots of business. Good luck!

Nate Hoffelder February 19, 2018 um 4:22 pm

Thanks, Lindsay!

Hussman February 20, 2018 um 8:22 am

I like you selling yourself at the top. Good idea. Not a fan of the scrolling tile/chicklet menu at the bottom from a user perspective. Either it’s too small, or just doesn’t feel right.

Nate Hoffelder February 20, 2018 um 8:27 am


BDR February 20, 2018 um 1:03 pm

Used to come here for news but, apparently, that’s not what you wanted me to do. So I won’t.

Nate Hoffelder February 20, 2018 um 1:23 pm

I still do the news. I even still have the old home page – I just can’t put it on the front of the site any more.

Kurt February 21, 2018 um 11:48 am

uhm, no
apparently meant for a phone screen
back to MobileRead for book related news
hopefully you still post there as I enjoy your style (particularly if you are being snarky)

Nate Hoffelder February 21, 2018 um 12:16 pm

What do you mean, meant for a mobiel device? The reason i ask is that it sounds like you are seeing the same caching error someone else reported.

And anyway, did you see that I still have the old home screen over on the posts page?

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