New Mirasol screen demo video
I managed to miss this one yesterday. I actually passed through the Qualcomm booth twice and it wasn’t there either time.
This isn’t a product prototype, just a screen demo. I don’t know who shot the video, sorry.
In other news, Pocketbook will have a press conference at 11am today.They’ve been giving me the run around on exactly what they plan to announce, but it’s probably the new Mirasol ereader.
Mike Cane January 7, 2011 um 11:01 am
The viewing angles fall off a cliff in that video, but it might not matter, unless you don’t like having someone else scrunch next to you to share a view of something on screen. Er, um…
yuzutea January 7, 2011 um 2:02 pm
Much better than the color e-ink screens, although it still looks a bit desaturated. But it seems to play video quite well.
Zigwalski January 7, 2011 um 2:59 pm
It would be hard to judge the colors. I am sure he is using a phone or similar device to capture the video and the lighting is probably bright in the room. Plus he could have held it just a little closer to the camera for a longer period of time.
The color e-ink display didn’t even look like it was color.