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New Rockchip Android tablet shows up at J&R

It looks like the generic tablet explosion is building up for a second go round.

This 7″ Android tablet is running Android v2.1 on a 1GHz CPU with 4GB Flash, microSD card slot, Wifi, speakers, g-sensor, and USB Host. it also has that weird little silver thing; I don’t know what it is. Curiously enough, it has a RK 2818 CPU. According to Archos, that CPU runs at 600MHz; here it is listed at 1GHz.

You can find it at J&R for $159.

P.S. I’m calling this tablet by the CPU maker because I’m pretty sure that they designed it. Crystalview is like Archos and a bunch of other companies in that they have slapped their brand on a device that Rockchip designed. There’s nothing wrong with that, but as far as I’m concerned the maker is more important than the brand.

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Jon Jermey May 1, 2011 um 4:02 am

The 'weird little silver thing' looks like an FM broadcaster. You plug in a memory stick or a SD card with MP3 tracks on and it broadcasts them locally on an FM channel. What it has to do with a tablet I don’t know.

Mike Cane May 1, 2011 um 1:10 pm

>>>LCD screen: 7-inch, 800 x 480

See, that always kills it for me. But as I begin to pay more attention to Android, I’m beginning to understand what an absolute botch they’ve made of it.

Lo-res screens like that let you run all the Andy programs designed for *phones*.

Higher-res screens mean stretching and praying.

And Honeycomb — due to lack of apps — means being sorry every damn day.

They all need a beating for letting this spin out of control like this. HTF does anyone actually wind up *buying*anything and *not* having *any* degree of regret? iPad-easy this is NOT!

Simon Cabron May 2, 2011 um 12:37 pm

they’re likely adding the 600mhz core with the DSP to get that 1ghz number.

Jason Evans May 2, 2011 um 2:11 pm

This look a lot like the Craig cmp738a tablet being sold at CVS for $99. Btw, I picked one of them up and with the updated firmware, they’re not too shabby and surprisingly good at 780i video, even a DivX BR Rip that I threw at it.

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