Nook for iOS Update Adds Support for Digital Comics, Hi-Res Magazines
Barnes & Noble’s ebook market share might be shrinking as hardware sales plummet but that does not seem to be discouraging the Nook app developers. A new updated Nook app for the iPad showed up in iTunes today, bringing with it bug fixes and a number of new features.
This update is all about images. Readers can now zoom in on book illustrations for more detailed imagery, and they can also finally read Nook Comics with the directed-viewing reading experience for a close up, panel-by-panel view of the story. This update also adds a feature that will please some iPad owners; the app now supports HD magazines. Titles that have been produced to fit the 2048 by 1536 screen resolution of late model iPads can now be redownloaded and read with higher quality images and sharper fonts.
Nuovo aggiornamento dell'applicazione Nook per iOS March 26, 2013 um 7:37 am
[…] a quanto riporta The Digital Reader anche se la quota di mercato ebook di Barnes & Nobles è in continuo calo e le vendite di […]