Officeworks, Collins, & JB HiFi to Carry the Kobo Touch in Australia
A whole slew of stores will be getting the Kobo Touch in stock over the next few weeks.
Officeworks, a chain of 141 office supply stores, will reportedly be carrying the 6″ ebook reader sometime next month (but they will not be opening an ebookstore). The retail prices haven’t been announced, but they are supposed to have both the Kobo Touch and Kobo Wifi in all stores. This looks to be the first ereader stocked by this chain; no models were listed on the website.
JB HiFi, a chain of 132 electronics stores, now have the Kobo Touch and Kobo Wifi on hand and ready to ship. They’re also selling the Sony Reader Wifi, and all 3 models are marked up by about $30 or $40 AUD over the US retail. That markup is considerably worse than the European ereader prices; the Kobo Touch is selling for 99 euros (~$138 USD).
And finally Kobo’s new ebookstore partner Collins is also planning to have their ebookstore up and running this week or the next. This is a 60+ chain of franchise and corporate stores. They announced their partnership with Kobo back in July, and while 5 months might seem to be a long delay to launch an ebookstore, Collins were also working on relaunching their entire website. That could easily take time (if you want to get it right).
Dan October 24, 2011 um 7:08 pm
Just gotta root for the underdog.