PSA: eBookMall Has Gone From eBook Retailer to Phishing Site
If you were a customer of eBookMall,com then you might want to look for a new ebookstore. The site has somehow come under the control of a scammer of unknown origin.
The site looks normal at first glance, bur if you visit a book listing you will find that the buy buttons have been replaced by a button that says "read for free".
If you click the button you will be redirected to, well, I’m not sure what site it sends you to. My security software will not let me visit the redirected site, and I am going to err on the side of caution just this once.
If you happened to click that link, do yourself a favor and run a security check on your computer. And if you gave them your credit card numbers, call the credit card company NOW.
I don’t know what they are doing on that site but it clearly isn’t safe.
MobileRead (Thanks, FBone!)
image by marcoverch via Flickr
Peter Winkler December 15, 2018 um 6:49 pm
Nate Hoffelder December 16, 2018 um 9:05 am
withs the winds
King-Galaxius Stravinsky April 24, 2021 um 1:50 am
This is horrible news!?I was one of their authors! I had an ebook published with them and now I need to know how do I download my own copy!! I have moved and the ebook I created for that site was the only copy, because it was typed and submitted right online!????
Lynne May 28, 2019 um 6:43 pm
I can’t get in touch with anyone at the old ebook mall site where I had an ebook for sale.
Any suggestions where I could write to?