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PSA: Go Check Your Mailerlite Account

My weekly email with blog posts did not go out this morning, and we have Mailerlite to blame for that. The mailing list provider updated their platform late last week, and apparently broke a lot of accounts.

This was a major catastrophe for users, and not just a bump in the road. I haven’t had a chance to go over all the parts of my account yet, but I do know that Mailerlite deleted two of my RSS campaigns, and deactivated a third. (The two deleted RSS campaigns are literally gone from my account.)

If you have a Mailerlite account, you really need to go over it with a fine tooth comb. While Mailerlite  has informed users by email that there may be an issue with RSS campaigns, I am seeing a whole host of complaints on Twitter about confirmation emails not going out, automation not working, and campaigns just not being sent.

I am going to go check my account just as soon as I publish this post, and then I will start looking for a replacement service. I am financially constrained at the moment and can’t actually afford to move, but I will certainly be sending people elsewhere.

This is the 6th major problem I’ve either encountered or heard about in the 23 months since I signed up for Mailerlite. That is simply an unacceptable level of failure for a mission critical tool.

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Suzy Taylor Oakley June 30, 2020 um 11:21 am

Wow, it’s big enough to make you switch, eh? I’ve been with ML for a couple of years, too, and have never had problems like this. (I have other issues, but nothing to make me want to change AGAIN – this is my third ESP).

I look forward to finding out what service you find that you like better. Another blogger told me she loves ActiveCampaign, and I’ve been looking into it (even before ML’s issues this week).

Felipe Adan Lerma July 1, 2020 um 11:06 am

Sounds serious! Tweeted w/comment!

Kate Stead July 3, 2020 um 1:56 am

I am struggling to find a good email option. I have been trying Flodesk but am not happy with them. But I don’t want to jump around – the mailerlite reviews have been so mixed that I don’t quite want to go there either, so now I feel a bit stuck. Where to next?

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