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Rakuten Launches a Publisher’s Dashboard in Japan

8510806471_da8252763f_m[1]The Kindle Store,  Kobo, Google Play Books, and the other major ebookstores all have a dashboard where publishers and authors can monitor their sales, and now Rakuten offers one in Japan.

A press release for the Rakuten Books Dashboard just crossed my desk today. Under development since last June, this admin panel enables publishers to track the sales of their books and ebooks on Rakuten’s marketplace.

Compared to what Amazon offers, Rakuten’s new tool doesn’t sound all that sophisticated:

The Rakuten Books Dashboard is aimed at publishers which have products on the Rakuten Books and Rakuten Kobo eBook Stores. By inputting information on books that are planned to be released, such as the date of release, the price, or recommendations, into a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet and uploading this sheet onto the Rakuten Books Dashboard, the information on the book will be automatically registered onto the product pages on Rakuten Books and the Rakuten Kobo eBooks Store.

You have to upload an Excel spreadsheet? What is this, 2005? Even Google Play Books, which was a joke for a number of years, has a real admin panel. It doesn’t work very well, but still.

Rakuten says that the dashboard is still under development, and I can confirm that; I found a couple job listings which mentioned it. Let’s hope Rakuten continues to invest in the Books Dashboard until it actually becomes useful.

image by miss_flynn

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