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Readium, NYPL to Host eBook Hackathon Next Month

Should you find yourself in Manhattan on the second Wednesday of January, you might want to stop by the New York Public Library – and not just for the books.

The NYPL is partnering with the Readium Foundation to hold a hackathon at the Schwarzman  on Wednesday, 14 January. This is Readium’s second hackathon, and this time around the focus will be on liberating public domain works as well as facilitating access to CC-licensed works: 

  • 3654636770_8e3d0db019_o[1]What work can be done to help people find the best public domain content (metadata enrichment, cover art, recommendation tools etc.)?
  • How can we liberate and integrate other public domain content, like audio books, comics, and government documents into e-readers?
  • How can we make it easier to get open-access e-books and facilitate open e-book access/distribution for other libraries, startups, and publishers alike?

You can register for the event on EventBrite.

I can’t say that I have had any problems finding this type of content, but then I remind myself that just because I can find some doesn’t mean I have found it all or that everyone has had my luck.

I missed Readium’s last hackathon (it was held in December 2013 in NYC) but I’ll definitely try to make it to this one. I plan to be in NYC for Digital Book World that week, and I expect I’ll have time to check out the hackathon. If you’re going to be at either event, please look me up.

image  by Phil Manker

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