Ritz Camera to carry the Quantaray Android tablet
The lens manufacturer Quantaray have decided to start carrying an Android tablet. It runs v2.1 and is based on a 7″ resistive touchscreen with a 720MHz CPU, 2GB Flash, a miniSD card slot, Wifi, camera, USB Host, speaker, microphone, and 3 hours battery life.
You can buy it from Ritz Camera for $199.
BTW, I want you to take another look at the picture. Can you see the ripple in the bevel around the screen? The screen contents are an obvious photoshop on top of an actual photo of the tablet. That ripple pattern is a sign of poor manufacturing.
Also, if this really does have a minSD card slot then for that alone you should pass. miniSD is the size in between microSD and regular SD. It’s not all that common anymore; this is the first in a very long time that I found a device that used it. (Good luck trying to find a cheap compatible card.)
Ritz Camera
SeamusNH January 7, 2011 um 5:26 pm
Useless. Can’t hold on to a wireless signal… Returned..