Terry Pratchett’s Discworld is Brought to Life in New App: The Map of Ankh-Morpork
When Terry Pratchett first started writing the Discworld books in 1983, few could have expected it to grow into a world so detailed that it rivals Lord of the Rings, Oz, and Barsoom in scope. This series spans 39 novels, numerous stories, a half dozen movie adaptations, and as of yesterday, one iPad app.
The Ankh-Morpork Map For iPad allows the reader to explore this most infamous city. Ankh-Morpork is known as the largest city on Discworld, a world that rests on 4 elephants riding on the back of a turtle, flying through space. This city is an unspoken character in many of the novels, and now it’s been brought to life.
The app is based in part on the previously published The Compleat Ankh-Morpork, but it builds on that older book by adding more details drawn from the rest of the Discworld novels. You will find detailed info on the characters living in the city as well as info on the businesses, services, and landmarks mentioned in the Discworld stories. And like any map, this app includes a business directory and street index as well as two beautifully detailed, hand-drawn maps of the city. You can even enjoy walking tours of the city and unlock achievements as you read.
Tom February 12, 2013 um 10:57 am
Finally… a legitimate reason to by an iPad
Tom February 12, 2013 um 11:49 am
"Buy an iPad" was intended
Logan Kennelly February 12, 2013 um 2:38 pm
Even at $14, which is sticker shock for an app, I know a few people that’d buy this if it were on Android. Heck, I’d probably buy it merely as an incentive to go read more of the excellent books.
I’m still kicking myself for passing on the Discworld II game (which I’ve now never played) at Best Buy. (I spent months trying to find another copy after that with no luck.) I wonder if anyone is attempting to sell the adventure games today…
Nate Hoffelder February 12, 2013 um 3:11 pm
It’s not all that expensive when you compare the price to what the average Discwrold fan spends on books. The Compleat Ankh-Morpork actually costs more, and I’m seriously considering getting both.