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The cheapskate’s e-reader case

My post a little while ago about a cheap book light inspired me to see how cheaply I could make an ereader case, and it turns out I can make one out of stuff in the recycle bin. You’re looking at one of my neighbor’s magazines and a rubber band.

Most magazines are too big for the average ereader, so you’ll need to fold the magazine around the gadget. I have my Kindle pulled out of the case so you can get a better mental image of how to do it.

I was going to do a case made from duct tape, but I got stuck halfway through.

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Adam iWriteReadRate March 18, 2011 um 2:16 pm

Hi. Nice case – does it come in blue…?

Have a good one

Adam Charles

Nate the great March 18, 2011 um 2:51 pm

Probably. I just grabbed the first one I saw.

Mike Cane March 18, 2011 um 2:48 pm

Bored today? And that rubber band putting pressure on the side buttons is disaster.

Moriah Jovan March 18, 2011 um 7:00 pm

I was going to do a case made from duct tape, but I got stuck halfway through.


Nancy March 21, 2011 um 5:13 pm

I knitted myself a case out of old yarn and then washed and dried it so it felted. Worked great and cost about the same as your magazine and rubber band!

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