The Future of the Book (video)
I found an interesting video by the design firm IDEO. It shows their 3 concepts for the future of digital books.
I just watched the video, and a couple details struck me as rather odd. I can’t recall the last time I saw a video that showed active collaboration on a concept ereader. Do all these designers assume you will only create content computer, not an ereader? The other odd thing is that the collaboration abilities of most of these concept ereaders are actually less than what you can do right now with a tablet. Concepts aren’t supposed to be behind the curve, and this one is.
The Future of the Book. from IDEO on Vimeo.
Mike Cane September 22, 2010 um 9:32 am
I like the tribute to hypertext pioneer Ted Nelson there. Also a powerful illustration of what metadata/metacontent would make possible. The Alice one was just ridiculous — "Leave your home, go to this strange place, and get a free sekrit chapter." WTF?!
Zigwalski September 22, 2010 um 11:30 pm
Alice turned book reading into a video game.