We DON’T Need To Change Copyright Laws To Save Newspapers
Interesting post on Business Insider yesterday. The author argues that the hot-news doctrine needs to be strengthened so aggregators can’t link to news articles:
Using aggregators like Google and others, I can access essentially in real time the lead paragraphs of almost any story from the New York Times, the Washington Post, or indeed any other major news service. Not surprisingly, traditional print media publications are dying, and not surprisingly their owners’ online dotcom alternatives are generating far too little revenue to pick up the slack; why pay for any content when the essence of everything is available immediately, and free, elsewhere.
Except that copyright laws were created to compensate creators, not prop up broken business models. Normally I’d post a rebuttal, but in this case Mike Masnick over at TechDirt beat me to it. This is his niche (it’s why I follow him). Go read his post.
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