Wolters Kluwer to Bundle Inkling eBooks With Print Titles
One of the world’s largest technical, health, and law publishers announced on Tuesday that they are launching an ebook bundling program.
Wolters Kluwer Health is following in the footsteps of smaller publishers like O’Reilly to launch a new program which adds an ebook to many print titles. This publisher is one of the first large healthcare publishers to bundle Inkling’s enhanced ebooks with its print editions.
The publisher now offers nearly 100 titles under this new program, including such page turners as Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults and Children, The Anesthesiologist’s Manual of Surgical Procedures, Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient, and Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry.
The new bundled package gives customers both a print copy and an ebook copy for one price. The print titles can reportedly be purchased from any source (some of the Amazon listings have already been updated) and the customer will automatically receive an activation code that gives full access to the corresponding Inkling ebook.
Wolters Kluwer has in the past bundled website access with some of the titles they published, and they have also bundled CDs with selected titles, but this is the first I have heard of an ebook bundle.
Now if only Wolters Kluwer were bundling a PDF.
Yes, I know that the Inkling versions include integrated video, animations and learning assessment tools, but all I would want would be search and the option of working from my laptop. While Inkling does offer a browser-based reading app, that’s not the same thing. Furthermore, Inkling’s Android app is still in beta, and the only other apps offered by Inkling are for the iPad and iPhone. So even for my preferred platform (Android), Inkling comes in second to a PDF, which I know for sure will work.
Papier ou eBook : et si on n’avait pas à choisir | Quoi lire ? May 6, 2014 um 2:35 pm
[…] Source: The Digital Reader […]
Rafael Albert Pampló M.D. September 13, 2015 um 6:15 pm
To what page should I connect electronically in order to actívate my purchased Mosca V. Intereactive book? I put the one indicated in the rear cover(//solución.lww.com/mosca) and is imposible from Spain to get the correct place. I’ll appreciate your assisstance in this scope.
Thank you.